Consultancy Terms and Conditions
This agreement is made between us, NobleProg Limited (herein known NobleProg) of 152 Western Avenue, W3 7TT London, and you, the client person, partnership or company named on the Consultancy Registration Form duly signed by your authorised representative. The individual signing the consultancy registration form or the directors of a limited company or partners of a partnership will be personally liable for any commitments made but not fully met by themselves or their organisations, especially if these organisations cease trading and monies remain owing to NobleProg.
The agreement shall come into effect once we receive your Consultancy Registration Form and confirm your consultancy booking to you. If a completed form is not received by us, it shall be assumed that if we agree by email, fax, verbally or in writing to undertake work for you, then the terms below are agreeable to both parties.
Any conditions submitted, proposed or stipulated by you in whatever form and at whatever time, whether written or oral, are expressly waived and excluded.
No change to this agreement or terms shall be binding unless agreed in writing by us, even if you amend the booking form to reflect this proposed change.
Enquiries may be made by telephoning us and any special arrangements or deviation from our terms and conditions should be agreed by us in writing at this stage. A completed consultancy registration form should be submitted on NobleProg web page, sent by fax or post and upon receipt of the correctly completed course registration form a provisional place will be reserved for the delegates, subject to payment as below.
Scheduled consultancy fees are not published on the website but should be confirmed prior to booking.
You agree to pay (cleared funds to be paid in respect of) the full agreed fees need to paid within three working days of the invoice been sent. Unless agreed in writing in advance, a failure by you to pay prior to the consultancy may be interpreted by us as a cancellation and cancellation penalty may then apply as per cancellation clause below
Regardless of location, the consultants travelling, accommodation and subsistence expenses will be charged to the client.
Cancellations and postponements must be notified in writing immediately via email. Penalty Fees may be incurred by you as a percentage of the consultancy fees of the particular consultancy being cancelled or postponed at the date of the consultancy.
NobleProg reserves the right to cancel the consultancy. In the event of NobleProg having to cancel or re-schedule the consultancy, the client will be entitled to a credit/refund issued if appropriate. We cannot take responsibility for additional expenses incurred by the client as a result of cancellation or re-scheduling by us.
The client (and any other parties introduced by the client to NobleProg and / or the consultant(s) directly or indirectly) will not, under any circumstances, conduct any direct negotiations with the consultant(s) (or parties introduced by them directly or indirectly) in respect of this or any other planned work without prior approval in writing from NobleProg.
Any loss of actual or future business resulting from such negotiations will be charged to the client at a rate of £3000 per day for each man day of lost business or at the value of the lost business whichever is greater.
The client is assumed to have Software licenses for all courses we run for the client regardless of the location of the consultancy or hardware used, whether provided by us or the client.
With respect to work performed under this agreement, NobleProg does not make any warranty, express or implied, including fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, or product. In no event shall consultants of be liable in contract, tort, strict liability, warranty or otherwise, for any special, incidental or consequential damages.

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